House rules

  • Use of the equipments is restricted to properly trained users (See Training section for more information)


  • Booking and Login/password are strictly personal.


  • Notify any cancellation as soon as possible. First remove your booking and then contact the following user .


  • Microscope lamps and lasers should not kept ON unnecessarily. If there is no microscope usage for one hour, they should be switch off. The microscope can be kept ON if there is another user during the day.


  • If you are the penultimate user of the day, make sure that the next user will use the system (you can find users contacts on the booking system)


  • Although, there is no limitation in the number of bookings per users, “block booking” of the confocals or booking for work which could be carried out on a widefield system should be avoided. If prolonged booking is necessary, please contact and arrange the scheduling with the platform. Any unreasonable/excessive booking should be reported to the platform.


  • The platform runs as a free access multi-users facility. As such, it is the responsibility of users to maintain the equipment in a work-worthy condition at all time. This includes basic housekeeping such as removing immersion medium from the objectives, insuring that the right immersion is used on the right objectives… Please note that only immersion media provided by the platform should be used, and their removal from the objective should be done using the Whatman 105 lens tissue only.


  • If you notice any fault or unexpected behaviour with a system, it is important to notify the issue to the platform immediately.


  • For security reasons, the microscopes and workstation rooms are locked. Please ask the platform for keys and out of hours access.


  • We operate a NO food No drinks policy in the microscopy rooms


  • We operate a NO glove policy