
Publications and Acknowledgement

The LiMiF board has decided to follow a principle of systematic acknowledgement of the facility contribution in user’s scientific presentations and publications, independently of scientific collaborations, for which the usual authorship rules apply.

House Rules

As the usage of the systems has been increasing significantly since the beginning of the year, it is important to: Book solely for the required periods, and notify any cancellation as soon as possible, by first removing your booking and contacting the following user. Note that internet access on the acquisition computers will be limited and defaulted to the booking system.

Although, there is no limitation in the number of bookings per users, “block booking” of the confocals or booking for work which could be carried out on a widefield system should be avoided. If prolonged booking is necessary, please contact and arrange the scheduling with the platform. Any unreasonable/excessive booking should be reported to the platform.

The platform runs as a free access multi-users facility. As such, it is the responsibility of users to maintain the equipment in a work-worthy condition at all time. This includes basic housekeeping such as removing immersion medium from the objectives, insuring that the right immersion is used on the right objectives… Please note that only immersion media provided by the platform should be used, and their removal from the objective should be done using the Whatman 105 lens tissue only.

If you notice any fault or unexpected behaviour with a system, it is important to notify the issue to the platform immediately.

Data storage: Users are responsible for the storage of their images and subsequent image analysis. The facility will not guarantee storage and backups of user data.

Note that original acquisition files should be kept and backed up. Nature requires that raw images are preserved for 10 years.

Acquisition systems and workstations are not storage facilities, and images will be periodically deleted from these systems without prior warning.

Personal USB storage devices should be used to offload data from the systems, except for the LSM 780. For the LSM 780, each lab should use a single USB hard disk of 250 Gb or 500 Gb dedicated for data transfer for this system, which will be kept in storage cabinet in room C3.243. Data should be offloaded onto that disk, transferred to the workstation or a personal computer, then returned to Huy for formatting. The disk will then be relocated in the cabinet.

Booking system

If a user has not logged in within 30 minutes of the start of his/her session, the booking can be cancelled by the platform manager to the benefit of another user.

The equipment list currently available on the booking system is as follow: (

  • Confocal Microscope: Inverted LSM 510 META NLO (located in room C3. 211)
  • Confocal Microscope: Inverted LSM 780 GaAsP (C3. 243)
  • Widefield Microscope: Upright AxioImager (room C3. 232)
  • Stage incubator (room C3. 211)
  • Workstation 1 (room C3. 245)
  • Workstation 2 (room C3. 245)

Stage incubator: Please note that the “stage incubator” is migrating from floor to floor. It is important for users to arrange themselves the logistic regarding the incubator. If the incubator is not used, it should be returned and stored in room C3. 211.

Access to the platform rooms: For security reasons, the confocals and workstation rooms are locked. Please ask the platform for keys and out of hours access.